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About waranty

A 7 year warranty is a guarantee and the value of a relationship:
Our watches are the first of their kind.
They combine art and perfection in every design. We believe the value of the relationship with our customers is that we go beyond the sale, supporting you throughout your journey of owning a Bakkoura watch.At Bakkoura, we value the talent and craftsmanship of our specialists who reflect our vision and quality in every piece. We believe that every watch owner is part of our family and strive to provide a unique and distinctive ownership experience for everyone.

We provide a number of special warranty services.  
These services include a 7-year quality and performance warranty, as well as an extended warranty option to provide peace of mind and confidence in your product. We are committed to servicing and repairing your watch with care and skill, as quickly and comfortably as possible. Bakkoura always strives to exceed your expectations and reflects our attention to every detail.

We are proud to have you as part of our family and hope that you will always trust us with the best.

We know our business, so we are not afraid when we say that we have approached the boundaries of eternity.

And our proof of that is 7 years.
About waranty
A 7 year warranty is a guarantee and the value of a relationship:
Our watches are the first of their kind.
They combine art and perfection in every design. We believe the value of the relationship with our customers is that we go beyond the sale, supporting you throughout your journey of owning a Bakkoura watch.At Bakkoura, we value the talent and craftsmanship of our specialists who reflect our vision and quality in every piece. We believe that every watch owner is part of our family and strive to provide a unique and distinctive ownership experience for everyone.

We provide a number of special warranty services.  
These services include a 7-year quality and performance warranty, as well as an extended warranty option to provide peace of mind and confidence in your product. We are committed to servicing and repairing your watch with care and skill, as quickly and comfortably as possible. Bakkoura always strives to exceed your expectations and reflects our attention to every detail.

We are proud to have you as part of our family and hope that you will always trust us with the best.

We know our business, so we are not afraid when we say that we have approached the boundaries of eternity.
And our proof of that is 7 years.
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Enter the identification number on the other side of the warranty and you will receive all information regarding your watch, confidentially and privately."

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We were the first in the world's history who dare to
offer a truly unique and luxurious solution to those who
were looking to create something deeply personal, but at the
same time intelligible and eternal. Atelier MAISON DE
COUTURE BAKKOURA is the only one in the world who
will embody you in the brand.

The history of each person is unique, it cannot be repeated or
faked, as it is impossible not to pay attention to watches from
a unique brand, because this brand is YOU.
Thank you! This information about your watch.
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No items found.
Enter reference number
We were the first in the
world's history who dare to
offer a truly unique and luxurious solution
to those who were looking to
create something deeply personal,
but at the same time intelligible
and eternal. Atelier MAISON DE
one in the world who will embody
you in the brand.

The history of each person is
unique, it cannot be repeated or
faked, as it is impossible not to pay
attention to watches from a
unique brand, because this brand
is YOU.

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Unique Watch Service

Unique Watch Service: A unique design that reflects your individuality in a world of elegance and exclusivity.

Check Up

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The Return

Reassurance for the doubters, comfort for the wary, appreciation for those who share our faith in the brand and confidence in our vision Original Refund System

Tack Back

Compliance Guarantee

Maintenance of luxury watches: When you purchase a luxury watch such as Bakkoura, you are buying not just a time measuring device, but a work of engineering art of immense value.

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Quality Guarantee

The risk of altering a luxury watch and losing the official warranty.
When we talk about luxury watches, we mean craftsmanship, precision and innovation that cannot be tampered with.

Read More

ضمان الأحلام

أي ساعة تحمل جنسية بكورة مرحب بها في كل مكان تكون فيه
وفي أي وقت تشعر بأنها مشتاقة لرؤية الوطن للنقاهة والترفيه وشحن روحها وجسدها من جديد لتشعر بالقوة وتبدأ رحلتها بأفضل حالاتها وكأنها ولدت من جديد في "بكورة"، الدقة والتميز هما ما نسعى إليه.

عندما يأتي عملاؤنا لخدمات ما بعد البيع، نتأكد أن الساعة التي بحوزتهم تعود إليهم وهي في أتم حالاتها.

فريقنا المكون من خبراء صناعة الساعات، الذين يمتلكون الخبرة والمهارة، يضمنون أن كل ساعة تمر عبر أيديهم تحظى بالفحص والترميم المناسب

نبدأ العملية بالتشخيص والتقييم، تليها مراحل الإصلاح والتحديث، وتنتهي بالاختبار. في كل هذه المراحل، نولي اهتماماً فائقاً بالتفاصيل ونسعى لتجنب أي أخطاء.

إذا اكتشفنا أي مشكلة أثناء الاختبار النهائي، نعيد العملية من البداية - هذا مدى تفرغنا للجودة.
بما أن ساعات "بكورة" تتميز بتصميمها المعقد، قد يستغرق الإصلاح وقتاً أكثر من المعتاد.

لكننا نرى في هذا جزءًا من التزامنا بتقديم الخدمة المثلى لعملائنا، وهذا ما يعبر عن مبادئنا.ما يميز خدمتنا هو وجودها عالميًا، مع الحفاظ على المعايير السويسرية في الخدمة. خبراء صناعة الساعات لدينا جاهزون دائمًا لمساعدة العملاء في أي زمان ومكان. ونقدم أيضًا خدمات محلية لترميم الأضرار البسيطة التي قد تواجهها الساعة.

عندما نتحدث عن صيانة الأجزاء، نضمن فحص كل جزء بعناية واستبدال القطع التالفة عند الحاجة. نُجدد ونفحص كل جانب من الساعة، من الجزء الخارجي حتى الأجزاء المرصعة بالأحجار الثمينة. وبعد ذلك، نقوم بعملية التنظيف والتشحيم لضمان أداء مثالي ضبط الوقت وصيانة الساعة:

الساعات هي أدوات دقيقة تُستخدم لقياس الزمن، ولهذا فهي تحتاج إلى العناية والصيانة المنتظمة. إذا تمت معالجتها بشكل صحيح، يمكن أن تدوم لعقود عديدة. وهنا نوضح الخطوات المعتادة في عملية ضبط الوقت وصيانة الساعات.

1. *الصيانة والتشحيم*: يتم أولاً تنظيف الساعة وتشحيمها بعناية للحفاظ على سلاسة حركتها ودقتها.

2. *اختبار درجات الحرارة*: تختبر الساعة في درجات حرارة مختلفة للتحقق من استقرار أداءها. فقد تؤثر الحرارة على دقة الساعة.

3. *الفحص داخل وخارج العلبة*: الساعة قد لا تعمل بنفس الكفاءة داخل العلبة مقارنةً بخارجها. لذلك يتم اختبارها في الحالتين.

4. *ضبط الوقت*: بعد الفحص، تحتاج الساعة إلى فترة تتراوح بين أسبوعين لضبط الوقت بدقة والتأكد من توافقها مع المعايير.

5. *إعادة تركيب الساعة*: إذا كانت الساعة تعمل بشكل جيد، يتم إعادة وضع الحركة في العلبة التي تم تنظيفها وتجديدها.

6. *مقاومة الماء*: يتم فحص الساعة للتحقق من قدرتها على مقاومة الماء تحت ضغوط مختلفة، وذلك لضمان عدم تسرب الماء إليها.

7. *إعادة تشطيب العلبة*: عند الحاجة، يمكن تجديد علبة الساعة. الخدوش البسيطة قد تُزال بسهولة، لكن في حالات أخرى قد يحتاج الأمر إلى تفكيك الساعة بالكامل لإعادة تشطيب العلبة.

الساعات هي أدوات فاخرة ودقيقة تحتاج إلى العناية المنتظمة لضمان أداء مثالي على مر الزمن.

ودليلنا على ذلك اهتمامك

Privacy Guarantee

Privacy for those who want to own a luxury watch: Bakkoura watches have a special symbolism, they epitomize luxury, quality and distinction in the world of watches.

Read More

Post-Sales Service

Bakkoura logo watches can be found everywhere you go.
And any time you feel the need to rejuvenate, have fun, reenergize your soul and body, feel strong and start your journey in the best condition, as if to be reborn.


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Confirmation of authenticity

DNA verification To verify the authenticity of your Bakkoura watch:
1. Leave your name and contact information.....


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Unique Watch Service
Unique Watch Service: A unique design that reflects your individuality in a world of elegance and exclusivity. Owning a unique and luxurious watch is a manifestation of good taste and attention to detail.

The "Unique Watch" service is for those who strive for perfection, creating a watch that has no analogues.
Check Up

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The Return
Reassurance for the doubters, comfort for the wary, appreciation for those who share our faith in the brand and confidence in our vision Original Refund System

You can get a 60% refund of the amount paid when you purchased our watches if you wish to return them for any reason within one year from the date of payment.
Tack Back

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Compliance Guarantee
uxury watch such as Bakkoura, you are buying not just a time measuring device, but a work of engineering art of immense value.

Therefore, regular maintenance and care of this work of art is essential to ensure its preservation for future generations.

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Quality Guarantee
The risk of altering a luxury watch and losing the official warranty.

When we talk about luxury watches, we mean craftsmanship, precision and innovation that cannot be tampered with.

Here are some points to know when you are thinking of upgrading your luxury watch:

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ضمان الأحلام

أي ساعة تحمل جنسية
بكورة مرحب بها في كل مكان تكون فيه
وفي أي وقت تشعر بأنها مشتاقة لرؤية الوطن للنقاهة والترفيه وشحن روحها وجسدها من جديد لتشعر بالقوة وتبدأ رحلتها بأفضل حالاتها وكأنها ولدت من جديد في "بكورة"، الدقة والتميز هما ما نسعى إليه.

عندما يأتي عملاؤنا لخدمات ما بعد البيع، نتأكد أن الساعة التي بحوزتهم تعود إليهم وهي في أتم حالاتها.

فريقنا المكون من خبراء صناعة الساعات، الذين يمتلكون الخبرة والمهارة، يضمنون أن كل ساعة تمر عبر أيديهم تحظى بالفحص والترميم المناسب

نبدأ العملية بالتشخيص والتقييم، تليها مراحل الإصلاح والتحديث، وتنتهي بالاختبار. في كل هذه المراحل، نولي اهتماماً فائقاً بالتفاصيل ونسعى لتجنب أي أخطاء.

إذا اكتشفنا أي مشكلة أثناء الاختبار النهائي، نعيد العملية من البداية - هذا مدى تفرغنا للجودة.
بما أن ساعات
"بكورة" تتميز بتصميمها المعقد، قد يستغرق الإصلاح وقتاً أكثر من المعتاد.

لكننا نرى في هذا جزءًا من التزامنا بتقديم الخدمة المثلى لعملائنا، وهذا ما يعبر عن مبادئنا.
ما يميز خدمتنا هو وجودها عالميًا، مع الحفاظ على المعايير السويسرية في الخدمة. خبراء صناعة الساعات لدينا جاهزون دائمًا لمساعدة العملاء في أي زمان ومكان. ونقدم أيضًا خدمات محلية لترميم الأضرار البسيطة التي قد تواجهها الساعة.

عندما نتحدث عن صيانة الأجزاء، نضمن فحص كل جزء بعناية واستبدال القطع التالفة عند الحاجة. نُجدد ونفحص كل جانب من الساعة، من الجزء الخارجي حتى الأجزاء المرصعة بالأحجار الثمينة. وبعد ذلك، نقوم بعملية التنظيف والتشحيم لضمان أداء مثالي ضبط الوقت وصيانة الساعة:

الساعات هي أدوات دقيقة تُستخدم لقياس الزمن، ولهذا فهي تحتاج إلى العناية والصيانة المنتظمة. إذا تمت معالجتها بشكل صحيح، يمكن أن تدوم لعقود عديدة. وهنا نوضح الخطوات المعتادة في عملية ضبط الوقت وصيانة الساعات.

1. *الصيانة والتشحيم*: يتم أولاً تنظيف الساعة وتشحيمها بعناية للحفاظ على سلاسة حركتها ودقتها.

2. *اختبار درجات الحرارة*: تختبر الساعة في درجات حرارة مختلفة للتحقق من استقرار أداءها. فقد تؤثر الحرارة على دقة الساعة.

3. *الفحص داخل وخارج العلبة*: الساعة قد لا تعمل بنفس الكفاءة داخل العلبة مقارنةً بخارجها. لذلك يتم اختبارها في الحالتين.

4. *ضبط الوقت*: بعد الفحص، تحتاج الساعة إلى فترة تتراوح بين أسبوعين لضبط الوقت بدقة والتأكد من توافقها مع المعايير.

5. *إعادة تركيب الساعة*: إذا كانت الساعة تعمل بشكل جيد، يتم إعادة وضع الحركة في العلبة التي تم تنظيفها وتجديدها.

6. *مقاومة الماء*: يتم فحص الساعة للتحقق من قدرتها على مقاومة الماء تحت ضغوط مختلفة، وذلك لضمان عدم تسرب الماء إليها.

7. *إعادة تشطيب العلبة*: عند الحاجة، يمكن تجديد علبة الساعة. الخدوش البسيطة قد تُزال بسهولة، لكن في حالات أخرى قد يحتاج الأمر إلى تفكيك الساعة بالكامل لإعادة تشطيب العلبة.

الساعات هي أدوات فاخرة ودقيقة تحتاج إلى العناية المنتظمة لضمان أداء مثالي على مر الزمن.
ودليلنا على ذلك اهتمامك
Privacy Guarantee
Privacy for those who want to own a luxury watch: Bakkoura watches have a special symbolism, they epitomize luxury, quality and distinction in the world of watches. And when you invest in a unique piece of this kind, you are looking for guarantees to protect your privacy and the security of your information.

Read More

Post-Sales Service
Bakkoura logo watches can be found everywhere you go.
And any time you feel the need to rejuvenate, have fun, reenergize your soul and body, feel strong and start your journey in the best condition, as if to be reborn.

Read More

Confirmation of Authenticity
DNA verification To verify the authenticity of your Bakkoura watch:
1. Leave your name and contact information.
2. Tell us why you want to authenticate your watch: to keep its value or to make sure you have not bought a fake watch.
3. Take clear photos of the watch from all sides, including the bezel, front and back.
4. Record a clear video of the watch from all angles, and show yourself on the video to document it.
5. Once the watch has been verified and authenticated, you will be sent a certificate of authenticity as well as additional information about the watch and anything else related to it that may be of interest to you.
We appreciate your interest in our watches and always strive to ensure a reliable and authentic purchase.
Feel free to contact us with any additional questions regarding the authentication process.

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Unique Watch Service

Unique Watch Service: A unique design that reflects your individuality in a world of elegance and exclusivity. Owning a unique and luxurious watch is a manifestation of good taste and attention to detail.

The "Unique Watch" service is for those who strive for perfection, creating a watch that has no analogues.

YOU will be fully immersed in the design process.
Clients can offer their ideas and vision to create the perfect timepiece that reflects their personality and style.
In collaboration with a team of skilled craftsmen and creative designers.
And our proof of that is your time


The Return

Reassurance for the doubters, comfort for the wary, appreciation for those who share our faith in the brand and confidence in our vision Original Refund System

You can get a 60% refund of the amount paid when you purchased our watches if you wish to return them for any reason within one year from the date of payment.

Bakkoura watches always stay in the family.

The proof is your comfort


Compliance Guarantee

Maintenance of luxury watches: When you purchase a luxury watch such as Bakkoura, you are buying not just a time measuring device, but a work of engineering art of immense value.

Therefore, regular maintenance and care of this work of art is essential to ensure its preservation for future generations.

1. Periodically check: Your watch should be inspected regularly, whether it is a visual inspection for scratches or to check the accuracy of the movement.
2. Cleaning the watch: Over time, dust and dirt may accumulate on the watch.
Gently wipe the watch with a soft cloth.
3. Lubrication of the movement: Mechanical watches need periodic lubrication to ensure smooth running and prevent friction.
4. Store the watch in a safe place: When not in use, the watch should be kept in a safe place away from sudden changes in temperature and humidity.
5. Visiting an authorized service center: It is recommended to visit an authorized service center every two years to perform a comprehensive check of the watch to ensure that it is in good working order.
6. Avoid water ingress: Even if the watch is water-resistant, you should avoid immersing it permanently in water and ensure that the crown is properly closed.
7. Protect the watch from shocks: Do not drop your watch or subject it to strong shocks, as this may damage the movement or case.

In conclusion, investing in a luxury watch requires regular attention and care.
By following these recommendations, you will ensure that the quality and durability of your watch will be maintained for many years to come.
The proof is your satisfaction


Quality Guarantee

The risk of altering a luxury watch and losing the official warranty.

When we talk about luxury watches, we mean craftsmanship, precision and innovation that cannot be tampered with.

Here are some points to know when you are thinking of upgrading your luxury watch:

1. Quality guarantee: External modification is appealing to many watch owners, but any tampering outside of the manufacturer's official network can void the warranty attached to the watch.

2. Potential Damage: Some agencies provide services to modify watches in ways that may damage their basic functions, including water resistance and timekeeping accuracy.

3. Disassembly and reassembly: Any error in the disassembly and reassembly process may damage the watch's delicate parts, resulting in deterioration of the watch's performance.

4. Quality characteristics: The use of imitation materials, such as imitation sapphire, may compromise the purity of the watch and reduce its value and quality.

5. Detection of modifications: Our specialized service team will be able to detect any modifications, even if the watch has been restored to its original condition.
This may invalidate the warranty.

6. RECOGNIZED EXPERTS: Luxury watches require handling by experienced hands.
Only experts who have been trained at official institutions are authorized to service and adjust them.

7. Preservation of value: Luxury watches are an investment.
Preserving their originality ensures that their value is preserved.
Any changes not recommended may reduce their market value

8. Service Documentation: Keeping accurate maintenance and repair documentation of the watch ensures that it remains in perfect condition.

It is always preferable to contact recognized specialists to maintain the quality of a luxury watch.
The proof is in your gratitude


Privacy Guarantee

Privacy for those who want to own a luxury watch: Bakkoura watches have a special symbolism, they epitomize luxury, quality and distinction in the world of watches. And when you invest in a unique piece of this kind, you are looking for guarantees to protect your privacy and the security of your information.

Here are the guarantees we offer:
1. Direct and Transparent Transactions: We believe in the importance of building trusting relationships with our customers.
That's why we deal with them directly, eliminating the involvement of intermediaries who may put information at risk.

2. Security of financial transactions: We utilize the latest encryption and security technologies to ensure that financial transactions are seamless and confidential.
This helps to protect customer data from any intrusion or illegal use.

3. Neutral Packaging: We ensure that the watch is packaged in such a way that its value or contents are not visible, allowing it to be delivered to the customer intact.

4. Data Protection Policy: We are committed to protecting customer data and not selling or sharing it with third parties. We utilize state-of-the-art security systems to store and maintain data.

5. Confidential Support: We provide customers with a dedicated support service where they can communicate with us through secure and encrypted communication channels that ensure confidentiality of communication.

6. Post-Sales Service: In order to provide a unique experience, we provide after-sales service in complete confidentiality, whether it is maintenance, replacement or appraisal.

When you invest in a luxury Bakkoura watch, you are not only purchasing a unique work of art, but also concern for security and privacy.

We understand this need and are constantly working to provide our customers with an unrivaled buying experience.
Confidentiality is our policy so as not to lose your respect.
And our proof of that is your courage.


Post-Sales Service

Bakkoura logo watches can be found everywhere you go.
And any time you feel the need to rejuvenate, have fun, reenergize your soul and body, feel strong and start your journey in the best condition, as if to be reborn.

We are ready to bring it all back to the way it was.
At Bakkoura, we are committed to precision and excellence.When our customers contact our after-sales service, we make sure that the watch they have purchased is returned to them in perfect condition.

Our team of experienced and skilled watchmakers ensure that every watch that passes through their hands is properly inspected and restored.

We begin the process with a diagnosis and assessment, followed by the repair and modernization stages, and concluding everything with testing.

Throughout all of these stages, we pay the utmost attention to detail and make sure there are no mistakes. If a problem is discovered during the final testing, we start the process from the beginning - this is our commitment to quality.

Because Bakkoura watches are complex, repairs may take longer than usual.
But we see this as part of our commitment to provide the best possible service to our customers, and this is where our principles are expressed.

The hallmark of our service is accessibility anywhere in the world, while maintaining Swiss standards of service.

Our watchmaking experts are always ready to help customers whenever and wherever they need them.
We also offer localized repair services for minor damages that may occur to watches.

When we talk about maintenance, we ensure that every part is thoroughly checked and if necessary, damaged parts are replaced.
We refurbish and inspect all parts of the watch, from the exterior finish to the jeweled parts.

We then clean and lubricate the watch to ensure perfect timing and operation of the watch.

Watches are precision instruments used to measure time, and as such, they need regular care and maintenance. If handled properly, they can last for many decades.We will cover the usual steps in the process of timekeeping and watch maintenance.

1. Care and lubrication: First, the watch is thoroughly cleaned and lubricated to ensure that it runs smoothly and accurately.

2. Temperature Test: The watch is tested at various temperatures to check the stability of its operation.Temperature may affect the accuracy of the watch

3. Inside and Outside Box Test: Inside the box, the watch may not work as well as outside the box.Therefore, the watch is tested in both cases.

4. Time setting: After inspection, the watch needs a two-week period to fine-tune the time and ensure compliance with standards.

5. Setting the clock: If the watch is in good working condition, install the movement back into the cleaned and repaired case.

6. Water resistance: The watch is tested for its ability to resist water at various pressures to ensure that water will not seep in.

7. Case Cleaning: If necessary, the case of the watch can be repaired.
Small scratches can be easily removed, but other cases may require complete disassembly of the watch to renew the case.

A watch is a luxurious and precise instrument that needs regular care to ensure flawless performance over time.


Confirmation of Authenticity

DNA verification To verify the authenticity of your Bakkoura watch:

1. Leave your name and contact information.
2. Tell us why you want to authenticate your watch: to keep its value or to make sure you have not bought a fake watch.
3. Take clear photos of the watch from all sides, including the bezel, front and back.
4. Record a clear video of the watch from all angles, and show yourself on the video to document it.
5. Once the watch has been verified and authenticated, you will be sent a certificate of authenticity as well as additional information about the watch and anything else related to it that may be of interest to you.

We appreciate your interest in our watches and always strive to ensure a reliable and authentic purchase.
Feel free to contact us with any additional questions regarding the authentication process.
Our proof of that is your desire

Satisfaction Guarantee
Satisfaction Guarantee
is our special take back offer for those who have changed their mind within ayear.
Invest in your idea
Invest in your idea
Within the framework of the HEARTMADE ARTWORK concept, we have developed a project: INSPIRE AND SURPRISE. Send us ideas of complications or design of watches, they will be appreciated by professionals and amateurs.
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Quality guarantee
Quality Guarantee
for 7 years we unconditionally bear and take care of every Bakkourawatch. The warranty also includes an annual service check.
The lead time for delivery depends on the availability of the watch model. If the watch is in stock, it will be shipped within 10 days. However, if the watch is not currently available, the lead time will vary depending on the specific model.
<-- Read More -->
Confirmation of authenticity
Proof  Guarantee  
confirmation of authenticity  
How to keep your Bakkoura watch
How  to take care
of  Bakkoura
According to an ancient ritual, the instructions for any product are taken in hand on the day of purchase and put in the farthest drawer, so that later it would be more interesting to look for.
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Refund guarantee
Dreams Guarantee
check-upservices for rare or vintage models:
to buy, to sell,  to cure
A silver invention
Special silver  
For Bakkoura watches, it took a long time to choose the silver alloy that reflects the brand's attitude towards you: we see the uniqueness and individuality of each person. There are no two identical people, no two exact same days, no two BAKKOURA watches are the same if our special 930-based silver alloy was used there.
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Privacy guarantee
Privacy Guarantee  
only we know where you are. Privacy and speed of purchase.
We'll create a watch-brand for you
Where to buy?
Where to Purchase  
Time is the most precious, irreplaceable resource. We are experts in time management and know the ins and outs of luxury shopping, that’s why we have developed our own algorithm for purchasing and delivering Bakkoura (Franc Vila) watches.
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Post-sales service
Legend Guarantee
AtelierMAISON DE COUTURE BAKKOURA is the only one in the world who will embody you inthe brand.
Dopamine is a hormone of happiness.
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Bakkoura is a unique and innovative watch brand that strives to bring pleasure and joy to watch ownership.
Through careful and thoughtful work, it has been possible to create a unique design that reflects the uniqueness of the brand.

Bakkoura spent a lot of time in the development process to achieve a strap shape and texture that fits perfectly on the wrist.

Many hours of consultation with experts in physiology and body biomechanics were conducted to achieve perfect comfort and harmony between the watch strap and the wrist.

Bakkoura strives to make watches like the "heart of time", where they naturally integrate into the life of the wearer.

The watches are available in a variety of designs, allowing a person to choose a model that expresses their individuality and unique style.
To make the watch even more expressive, it can be adorned with additional accessories that reflect the owner's taste and give it a new look.

If you are looking for a watch that combines elegance and innovation, the Bakkoura is your perfect choice.

It is not only a tool for measuring time, but also a partner that inspires you and allows you to immerse yourself in special moments that combine fun and uniqueness.


Where to buy?

"Bakkoura Watch Center" provides 100% guarantee of privacy and security.

The company cooperates only with reliable business partners to ensure quality, speed of delivery and protection of personal data.

In addition, the company works with the best transportation companies to ensure fast delivery and accurate transportation, and takes maximum measures to protect data.

The company has also expanded its cooperation with the outstanding services of the world's best banks.
To ensure customers' comfort and privacy when purchasing watches, showrooms have been opened in different countries such as Turkey, Gulf countries, Switzerland and Moscow.

Customers can contact the company from anywhere and all efforts will be made to fulfill their needs.


A silver invention

For Bakkoura watches, we took a long time to choose the silver alloy that will reflect the brand's attitude towards you: we see the uniqueness and originality of each person. No two people are alike, no two days are alike, no two BAKKOURA watches are alike if our special silver alloy was used.

The 930 sterling silver alloy for Bakkoura is a force from nature.  Natural protection and resistance to circumstances.

We have spent 9 years and 2000 hours testing over 100 kilograms of pure silver and 200 alloy formulations and as a result, a six-month series of tests in 3 countries has confirmed:

the special silver alloy in Bakkoura watches has the highest tarnish resistance ever achieved by a silver alloy for use in jewelry.  It has the same tarnish resistance as a 375 gold alloy and 20 times that of pure silver.

This special material protects against oxidation on the one hand and has an amazing patina effect on the other. Depending on the climate and city you live in, your skin and even your testosterone or estrogen levels, your hormone of happiness or stress, your watch will mature as uniquely as your life path.

When you change, so does the Bakkoura watch on your wrist.

Highest performance in a series of tests:• Resistance to sulfur compounds (corrosion)• Perspiration resistance• Resistance to environmental conditions• Chlorine resistance (also known as "pool test")• Resistance to mechanical deformation
Density [g/cm³] 10.5
As cast grain size
[µm] 400Fluidity
(grid filling test) [%] 100
Color coordinates: yellow index 7.6
Mechanical characteristics
Tensile strength (Rm) [MPa]
343 Yield strength (Rp0.2) [MPa]
197 Elongation at rupture
(A) [%] 30 As cast hardness
[HV 0.2] 50 Hardness after 70% area red.
[HV 0.2] 140 Hardness after annealing
[HV 0.2] 70 Single step age-hardening hardness
[HV 0.2] 120 Single step age-hardening hardness
[HV 0.2] 100


How to keep your Bakkoura watch

How to care for your watch to preserve its value and performance:

Both manual and mechanical watches are valuable pieces of art that deserve proper care to preserve their value and perform at their best.

Here are some tips for caring for your watch:1. Familiarize yourself with the manufacturer's recommendations: If your watch is a mechanical watch, it is important to familiarize yourself with the manufacturer's recommendations in order to properly adjust the complex movement.

Make sure that all the necessary conditions are met to avoid future problems.2. Preventive Maintenance: We recommend that you have your watch regularly inspected and serviced by an authorized service center at least once every two years.

This will help to detect any problems in time and avoid deterioration of the watch.3. Water resistance: Check the water resistance level of your watch.

Be careful when in contact with water, do not dive or swim with the watch unless it is water resistant.

Be aware that moisture and frequent exposure to water can damage the watch..4 Avoid extreme temperature changes: It is best not to expose your watch to extreme heat or excessive cooling.

Abrupt temperature changes may affect the accuracy and performance of the watch.5. Wind your watch regularly:
If you are not going to use your watch for a long period of time, it is recommended that you wind it regularly to prevent condensation of lubricant.
Follow the manufacturer's instructions for winding and synchronization.

You will keep your watch in perfect condition and enjoy it for many years to come.



1 - Delivery Policy

You can come and buy your watch in any of our stores.Ways to buy (

If you want to place an order, our delivery policy is not yet published (the site is still under development)
(You can find and read about it here, Bakkoura and Vila brands belong to this group)

2 - Return Policy(You can find and read about it here, Bakkoura and Vila brands belong to the group)

3- How can I be sure of the authenticity of the brand?DNA test ( In short:
send us photos with a detailed description, we will check and provide a confirmation certificate

4. Are all watches water resistant?
All models are water resistant

5. What services will I receive with my watch?
-YEARLY SERVICE - within one year you can change your mind and return your Bakkoura watch back to us.
We will accept it and refund 60% of the price.
With any of our watches you can order additional accessories from our existing collections to give them a new stylish touch.
For example, a new watch strap or our craftsmen can update the hand. In addition, the brand can develop unique style themes just for you

6- Is there a cost for watch maintenance?
Depending on the situation, regular annual maintenance is free of charge as long as you take proper care of our watches.
Taking care of your watch is an important ritual that will not only preserve its value and performance, but will set you up for success better than any meditation.
How do you care for your watch?

1- Read the manufacturer's recommendations, especially if your watch is mechanical.
A complex mechanism needs to be properly adjusted, and a number of conditions need to be met in order to keep it running smoothly.

2. Preventive inspection at the service center every two years.

3. Pay attention to the water resistance: for example, a rating of 5 ATM (50 meters) indicates that you can swim in a pool or take a shower.
And by the parameter 3 ATM (30 m) it is better to hide from the rain.

4. Watch out for temperature fluctuations: Mechanical watches do not like extreme heat or cold.

5. Wind the watch regularly:
If the watch is left idle for a long time, the lubricating oil will thicken.⠀

7- What is the delivery time?
If the watch is in stock, we will ship it within 10 days.
If the model is out of stock, the delivery time will depend on the model.
It will take different time depending on the model.


Invest in your idea

The ideas with the most points will be realized in a new Bakkoura model and named after the person who inspired us.

Harmony: Our ideas, our artists and you are the foundation of Bakkoura models

Uniqueness: These watches are as unique as life - a single version of each model.
Just as one soul is meant for one person, each Bakkoura watch is meant for one person.

Feelings. Bakkoura will speak for your feelings.
We have invented the language of time: just as a moment can change everything, every detail of our watches can tell us a lot about you, and you determine what they tell us about you


Satisfaction Guarantee

Maintenance of luxury watches:
When you purchase a luxury watch such as Bakkoura, you are buying not just a time measuring device, but a work of engineering art of immense value.Therefore, regular maintenance and care of this work of art is essential to ensure its preservation for future generations.

1. Periodically check:*.Your watch should be inspected regularly, whether it is a visual inspection for scratches or to check the accuracy of the movement.

2. Cleaning the watch:*.Over time, dust and dirt may accumulate on the watch. Gently wipe the watch with a soft cloth.

3. Lubrication of the movement:
*Mechanical watches need periodic lubrication to ensure smooth running and prevent friction.

4. Store the watch in a safe place:
*When not in use, the watch should be kept in a safe place away from sudden changes in temperature and humidity.

5. Visiting an authorized service center:
It is recommended to visit an authorized service center every two years to perform a comprehensive check of the watch to ensure that it is in good working order.

6. Avoid water ingress:
Even if the watch is water-resistant, you should avoid immersing it permanently in water and ensure that the crown is properly closed.

7. Protect the watch from shocks:
Do not drop your watch or subject it to strong shocks, as this may damage the movement or case.
In conclusion, investing in a luxury watch requires regular attention and care.
By following these recommendations, you will ensure that the quality and durability of your watch will be maintained for many years to come.


Quality guarantee

The risk of altering a luxury watch and losing the official warranty.

When we talk about luxury watches, we mean craftsmanship, precision and innovation that cannot be tampered with.

Here are some points to know when you are thinking of upgrading your luxury watch:

1. Quality guarantee:
External modification is appealing to many watch owners, but any tampering outside of the manufacturer's official network can void the warranty attached to the watch.

2. Potential Damage:
Some agencies provide services to modify watches in ways that may damage their basic functions, including water resistance and timekeeping accuracy.

3. Disassembly and reassembly:
Any error in the disassembly and reassembly process may damage the watch's delicate parts, resulting in deterioration of the watch's performance.

4. Quality characteristics:
The use of imitation materials, such as imitation sapphire, may compromise the purity of the watch and reduce its value and quality.

5. Detection of modifications:
Our specialized service team will be able to detect any modifications, even if the watch has been restored to its original condition.
This may invalidate the warranty.

Luxury watches require handling by experienced hands.
Only experts who have been trained at official institutions are authorized to service and adjust them.

7. Preservation of value:
Luxury watches are an investment.
Preserving their originality ensures that their value is preserved.
Any changes not recommended may reduce their market value

8. Service Documentation:
Keeping accurate maintenance and repair documentation of the watch ensures that it remains in perfect condition.

It is always preferable to contact recognized specialists to maintain the quality of a luxury watch.


Confirmation of authenticity

DNA verification To verify the authenticity of your Bakkoura watch:

1. Leave your name and contact information.

2. Tell us why you want to authenticate your watch: to keep its value or to make sure you have not bought a fake watch.

3. Take clear photos of the watch from all sides, including the bezel, front and back.

4. Record a clear video of the watch from all angles, and show yourself on the video to document it.

5. Once the watch has been verified and authenticated, you will be sent a certificate of authenticity as well as additional information about the watch and anything else related to it that may be of interest to you.

We appreciate your interest in our watches and always strive to ensure a reliable and authentic purchase.

Feel free to contact us with any additional questions regarding the authentication process.


Refund guarantee

Reassurance for the doubters, comfort for the wary, appreciation for those who share our faith in the brand and confidence in our vision

Original Refund System

You can get a 60% refund of the amount paid when you purchased our watches if you wish to return them for any reason within one year from the date of payment.

Bakkoura watches always stay in the family.


Privacy guarantee

Privacy for those who want to own a luxury watch:

Bakkoura watches have a special symbolism, they epitomize luxury, quality and distinction in the world of watches. And when you invest in a unique piece of this kind, you are looking for guarantees to protect your privacy and the security of your information.

Here are the guarantees we offer:

1. Direct and Transparent Transactions: We believe in the importance of building trusting relationships with our customers. That's why we deal with them directly, eliminating the involvement of intermediaries who may put information at risk.

2. Security of financial transactions: We utilize the latest encryption and security technologies to ensure that financial transactions are seamless and confidential. This helps to protect customer data from any intrusion or illegal use.

3. Neutral Packaging*: We ensure that the watch is packaged in such a way that its value or contents are not visible, allowing it to be delivered to the customer intact.

4. Data Protection Policy*: We are committed to protecting customer data and not selling or sharing it with third parties. We utilize state-of-the-art security systems to store and maintain data.

5. Confidential Support*: We provide customers with a dedicated support service where they can communicate with us through secure and encrypted communication channels that ensure confidentiality of communication.

6. Post-Sales Service*: In order to provide a unique experience, we provide after-sales service in complete confidentiality, whether it is maintenance, replacement or appraisal.

When you invest in a luxury Bakkoura watch, you are not only purchasing a unique work of art, but also concern for security and privacy.

We understand this need and are constantly working to provide our customers with an unrivaled buying experience.

Confidentiality is our policy so as not to lose your respect.


Post-sales service

Bakkoura logo watches can be found everywhere you go.

And any time you feel the need to rejuvenate, have fun, reenergize your soul and body, feel strong and start your journey in the best condition, as if to be reborn.

We are ready to bring it all back to the way it was.

At Bakkoura, we are committed to precision and excellence.

When our customers contact our after-sales service, we make sure that the watch they have purchased is returned to them in perfect condition.

Our team of experienced and skilled watchmakers ensure that every watch that passes through their hands is properly inspected and restored.

We begin the process with a diagnosis and assessment, followed by the repair and modernization stages, and concluding everything with testing.

Throughout all of these stages, we pay the utmost attention to detail and make sure there are no mistakes. If a problem is discovered during the final testing, we start the process from the beginning - this is our commitment to quality.

Because Bakkoura watches are complex, repairs may take longer than usual.

But we see this as part of our commitment to provide the best possible service to our customers, and this is where our principles are expressed.

The hallmark of our service is accessibility anywhere in the world, while maintaining Swiss standards of service.

Our watchmaking experts are always ready to help customers whenever and wherever they need them.

We also offer localized repair services for minor damages that may occur to watches.

When we talk about maintenance, we ensure that every part is thoroughly checked and if necessary, damaged parts are replaced.

We refurbish and inspect all parts of the watch, from the exterior finish to the jeweled parts.

We then clean and lubricate the watch to ensure perfect timing and operation of the watch.

Watches are precision instruments used to measure time, and as such, they need regular care and maintenance.
If handled properly, they can last for many decades.

We will cover the usual steps in the process of timekeeping and watch maintenance.

1. Care and lubrication: First, the watch is thoroughly cleaned and lubricated to ensure that it runs smoothly and accurately.

2. Temperature Test: The watch is tested at various temperatures to check the stability of its operation.

Temperature may affect the accuracy of the watch.

3. Inside and Outside Box Test: Inside the box, the watch may not work as well as outside the box.
Therefore, the watch is tested in both cases.

4. Time setting: After inspection, the watch needs a two-week period to fine-tune the time and ensure compliance with standards.

5. Setting the clock: If the watch is in good working condition, install the movement back into the cleaned and repaired case.

6. Water resistance: The watch is tested for its ability to resist water at various pressures to ensure that water will not seep in.

7. Case Cleaning: If necessary, the case of the watch can be repaired.

Small scratches can be easily removed, but other cases may require complete disassembly of the watch to renew the case.

A watch is a luxurious and precise instrument that needs regular care to ensure flawless performance over time.


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