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Truth watch
In the name of God, most gracious, most merciful.
In the hour of truth.We must realize that time is not increasing, but constantly decreasing.
Although time is running toward its end, we may lose sight of this fact as a result of the illusion in which we live, seeing the hands of the clock moving from left to right and the numbers increasing.
This illusion makes us think that time is increasing, but in fact the opposite is true.
A real clock goes from right to left and the numbers on it decrease.
This is to make us more aware of the value of time so that we do not fall into the trap of illusion.

Time that binds love
Marriage is a sacred bond between two loving hearts, and symbolized by the exchange of rings.
But what if there was something else that could seal the union and give the unique essence of eternal love?
Bakkura attempts to seal those precious moments and make them unforgettable by creating the concept of the Love Time Bond watch.
The Love Time Bond Watch is a special timepiece designed to be a couple's bonding experience
The watch has a counter that starts running from the wedding day, when the couple exchanges rings and the hour and presses the start button.
The time counter starts capturing their most beautiful moments throughout the time.
With this clock, the couple can know exactly and in detail how much time has passed since their wedding day as the time counter shows the days, months and years that they have been together.
The wedding clock is made with precision and craftsmanship, as the time counter is placed inside the clock to be seen and is connected to a precise movement.
The time is determined by the wedding date, and the time counter starts working after the couple exchanges the watch as a symbol of their bond.
The watch is made of high-end materials such as gold or silver, which gives it a refined and aesthetic appeal
A wedding watch carries a deep meaning and philosophy that revitalizes the values of true love and a strong bond between the couple.
It reminds them of the beautiful moments they spent together and points to the bright future they will build together.
Let them feel confident and proud to have a special symbol that reflects their devotion and everlasting love.
The Love Time Bond Clock is a unique and meaningful gift that demonstrates the bond in time between couples.
With this watch, the couple will be able to relive a unique experience and carry a special symbol that unites them throughout their lives.
The Love Temporal Bond Clock reinforces love and trust and reminds us of the precious time we spend with our loved ones.
Time steps aside so that this clock can lead the movement.
Courage in knowing the truth.
This is a watch in which there are no numbers and hands, except for the second hand, which rotates like a life.These are hours of movement, which, according to Jihad Bakkoura, he was inspired by a man who had been in solitary confinement for a long time, He does not know how much time has passed, the universe has stopped, and he rejoiced when he saw any insect or small animal moving in his cell, feeling life and hope.
Their movement was his life, and the speed at which they moved was the difference in his feelings, so we decided to create three speeds in this watch:
1 - The speed of happiness is a slow speed at which the second hand turns 1/2 circle, turning into a minute, because when you are happy, you want time to go longer.
2- Speed of life: When the second hand makes a full circle in a minute, which is a normal speed.
3- The speed of hope: we go further when the second hand rotates two circles per minute, and this speed is when you are in a situation that you do not like and you want it to end as soon as possible, which gives you a sense of confidence, and we have made speed control technology for the owner of the watch, that is for you.
The boldest design idea comes from another world that we don't realize or see.
The design comes completely from that world - geometry, colors, idea and values.
We have added our sense of time and our feelings to it, all the details are completely impartially embodied, and this is our pride and our treasure that we will inherit for future generations.
We are the first to open the door to accept works from other worlds.
ساعة البصيرة
مبدعها أعمى منذ الولادة
أجرئ فكرة لتصميم الساعة في الوجود هي قادمة من عالم آخر لا ندركه ولا نراه وتكون كلها بالكامل من تصميميه حيث سوف يرسم الشكل الهندسي والألوان والفكرة والقيم التي يجب ان تكون فيها كما يراه هو فقط وبيديه،
وسوف يضيف عليها إحساسه في الوقت وكيف يشعر به ونحن علينا التجسيد الحيادي بالكامل لكل التفاصيل التي يرسمها ويكتبها لنا وهذا هو أكبر تحدي لنا في عالم ساعات بكورة وفخرنا الدائم وكنزنا الذي سنورثه للأجيال القادمة نحن اول من فتح باب لاستقبال الأبداعات من العوالم الأخرى وثقافاتها"